Friday 16 June 2017

Tung Lok Restaurant: 16 June 2017, Friday, 9.43am Singapore Time

Tung Lok Restaurant: 
16 June 2017, Friday, 9.43am Singapore Time
(Click on Chart above to Enlarge)

Attached above is the technicals for Tung Lok Restaurant, a stock that is listed in the Singapore SGX.  The green region is my live warnings in 1H-2016 and 2H-2016 to get back into European and Asian stocks, especially the mid-caps and the small-caps, forewarning of a super rally to come in 2017 and 2018 and forewarning that US markets will continue to rally non-stop (refer to all my past US market index trades for which I am holding for longer term and for which I am in deep profits). A breakup of the bullish flag as highlighted on technicals above with volume will jump-start yet even more rallies in the Tung Lok multi-bagger multi-fold rally. Bullish bias. 

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