Monday 19 June 2017

Hang Seng Index: 19 June 2017, Monday, 10.41am Singapore Time

Hang Seng Index: 
19 June 2017, Monday, 10.41am Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals for Hong Kong Hang Seng Index. The black circled region is my live warnings in 1H-2016 and 2H-2016 to buy cheaply and to buy on the dip amidst worldwide gloomy sentiments. The blue region is my live warnings in 1H-2017 to keep buying despite the rally as forewarned in 2016. The brown region is where HK HSI is breaking up the flag like those in black and blue circled regions once again. HSI will target for 30,000 points and above as forewarned in 2016. DNA International Funds' HSI live trades are currently sitting at an average profit of +3,437 points per contract (refer to past live analyses and track records). You have what it takes to outperform me if you believe in yourself. My entries are not the best, but my profits and yields are some of the best.

Hang Seng Index Target: 30,000 points
(Guaranteed Target)

Reference (Past Hang Seng Index analyses):

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