Sunday 29 December 2019

Wilmar International: 29 December 2019, Sunday

Updated Technicals of Wilmar International:
29 December 2019, Sunday
(Click on the Technical Chart Above to Expand)

Attached is the Updated Technicals of Wilmar International. The entire yellow circled region was forewarned by me, before prices moved, that Palm Oil and good palm oil stocks worldwide, such as Wilmar, will make a great bullish rounding bottom for a super rally. When most people were gloom and doom on palm oil, I turned into high optimism. In the middle of this year 2019 and reiterated in 3Q-2019, I had said that palm oil was going to have extreme rally, and it is all happening now, true to my words (refer to past live track records as attached below). Wilmar will challenge for $7.11 long term technical resistance in the resumed cycle for palm oil, and is expected to break up $7.11 resistance like a hot knife cutting through butter.

The Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating:

Past Wilmar Analyses:


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