Monday 29 October 2018

The True Picture of Malaysia Stock Market : 29 October 2018, Monday, 8.08pm Singapore Time

The True Picture of Malaysia Stock Market : 
29 October 2018, Monday, 8.08pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Today, I am going to point out certain facts (Universal Truths) about Malaysia Stock Market:
1. Malaysia Stock Market is not in any bear market, in fact it is at attractive valuation level of a healthy correction within an extremely large super-cycle (within the blue channel). 2. Whenever black resistance-support trend bands that are in parallel are made supports, it always follows with a large super upwave (see technical chart). 3. We are currently near blue super-cycle channel support and at black trend band support. As can be seen, these are actually attractive bull valuation levels that yield large super-cycle upwaves. From here, KLCI would go around 2x up to above 3000 points. This means from here, many non-index stocks will go 2x to 20x in multifold returns.

Fools in 2018 declare for bear market, crisis or recessionary economy when we are in expansionary bull market of a lifetime with crazy upsides of a supercycle to go.

The above represents Powerful Technicals of FTSE Bursa KLCI from 1977 to 2018 (41 Years) with projection to 2028.

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