Sunday 14 October 2018

Hibiscus Petroleum (KLSE: 5199) & Financial Market Philosophy: 14 October 2018, Sunday, 11.00am Singapore Time

Hibiscus Petroleum (KLSE: 5199): 
14 October 2018, Sunday, 11.00am Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the Super-Cycle Technicals for Hibiscus Petroleum (KLSE: 5199). The Technicals was done recently when it was at $1.32. Current price is $1.18. This company from the energy-crude oil sector had been on a massively large re-accumulation as forewarned when it dipped just below $1.00 in the great healthy correction of mid-2018. Congrats if you had bought the dip against the herd's bearish noises. Hibiscus is currently on the Orange-Channel Long Term Trajectory within the Black-Channel Super-Cycle Trajectory -- as illustrated on chart.

The Peak of Orange Channel will hit the Peak of Black Channel within the next 3 to 5 years at $5.50. My Hibiscus shares bought at $0.26 will give me a returns of 21x (2100%) by then. By that time, many of my early followers would have achieved similar returns as well (refer to past live trade records as attached below). There are many of them, and in fact many of them expressed their appreciation to me. They are the quiet ones -- the often silent and low profile fans.

The trend is your best friend, and in my opinion and experience, it is never too late to buy on dips for momentous large-waved trends, especially when it occurs as big cyclic trend or super-cycles. If you had followed my analyses closely and went through all my technical processes and how I derived targets using holistic correlations, you would also know that the Super-Cycle Crude Oil Target Price is $175 per barrel for the current Secular Cycle.

Lastly, those who adopt a short term trading approach (gambling style), you need to think twice about your instant-gratification approach. If the sum of all your 1001 short term trades (which you thought you could even predict and pre-determine the X-axis timeframe) will outperform my +2100% single trade in the same timeframe summed up over 7-8 years (currently sitting at +453% returns), then I congratulate you for being such a pro. I merely need 2 such trades of 21x in my life to compound it into 21x21=441x (44100% in returns). Just 2 trades will snowball a sum of $10k into $4.41m, i.e. $100k into $40.41m. This is why even if you are a compulsive market gambler, you would still need a separate account of patience which is only for deep winners. 

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