Friday 17 August 2018

China 300 Index reflecting Equity Market of China and Hong Kong: 17 August 2018, Friday, 1.00pm Singapore Time

China 300 Index reflecting Equity Market of China and Hong Kong: 
17 August 2018, Friday, 1.00pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached above is the technicals for China 300 Index. The red support-turned-resistance band could not be negated suggesting the initial sign that China may lose the trade war with US. 

The double confirmation made by the financial market that China is losing the trade war has been achieved this week (refer to final red circled region with respect to the 3271-3377 point Support-Resistance Band). The amber orange circled region was an important pivot and this pivot has been broken down. 

The current set-up in worldwide financial markets will be of the following characteristic now:
US Market taking up the extreme end of the bullish scale and China Market taking up the other extreme end of the bearish scaleThe rest of the world's markets fall in between. Those that are more friendly to US will be more bullish, and the vice versa will be true as well. I am unloading all my China index holdings, China investment and China stocks. I will be shorting (short-selling) China indices and China ETFs.

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