Thursday 19 July 2018

WCT Holdings (KLSE: 9679): 19 July 2018, Thursday, 3.41pm Singapore Time

WCT Holdings (KLSE: 9679): 
19 July 2018, Thursday, 3.41pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the Technicals of WCT Holdings that is listed in the KLSE (KLSE: 9679).
This stock has successfully sucked in many fools into buying. The herd is bullish based on my ground observation and sees this stock as a buy. However, the stock remains a strongly funds outflow stock. It is entrenched in strong downtrend. Sell on dead cat bounces for WCT which is having an escape wave. Rebounds are merely for confirming that the stock is in cancer stage. Successful backtest of gap-down region in red means successful confirmation of cancer. Buying means gambling as the risk is high. Instead one should be looking to short the stock at gap-down sell pressure region. Bearish for WCT.

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