Sunday 22 July 2018

Public Bank (KLSE: 1295): 22 July 2018, Sunday, 2.38pm Singapore Time

Public Bank (KLSE: 1295): 
22 July 2018, Sunday, 2.38pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the updated Technicals for Public Bank -- The Donovan Norfolk Rated 2nd Best Bank of Entire Malaysia KLSE since the start of the year 2018. The dark green circled regions are my live calls in January 2016, 1H-2016 and 2H-2016 to scoop up bank stocks cheaply all over the world. Back in 2016, the herd were shouting for market crash and a bear market because the FED rate hikes caused a massive fear and markets were selling off. Singapore was to have technical recession back in 2016 too, and I was calling for bank stocks' buys. 

Most of the followers are now sitting on around +50% profits for Public Bank and their profits will blossom into +100% in the coming resumption of world bank stocks' super rally (see cross reference link attached at the bottom of this analysis).

The first green trajectory measures $6.00 on linear scale and +30.6% on logarithmic scale. This means the next wave of banks' super rally worldwide will bring Public Bank to $28.40 conservative target on the linear scale, and $29.25 logarithmic target on the logarithmic scale. Public Bank may then rest slightly and proceed for probing of prices beyond $30.00 in the secular bull market.

Public Bank is Ranked the Number 2 Top Bank of Malaysia by The Donovan Norfolk

Side Note:
At target of $29.25, many of these early fans of Donovan Norfolk will have returns of more than +182% profits on such quality stocks. 

Additional Note:
Worldwide bank stocks are expected to shoot through the roof in 2H-2018 and 2019. More waves of super rally in equity markets can be expected in 2H-2018, 1H-2019 and 2H-2019 -- amidst the backdrop of 80% market majority having the conviction of a bear market coming.

Important Cross-Reference:

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