Sunday 29 July 2018

Kerry Logistics (HKSE: 0636): 29 July 2018, Sunday, 11.41am Singapore Time

Kerry Logistics (HKSE: 0636):
29 July 2018, Sunday, 11.41am Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the Technicals of Kerry Logistics that is listed in Hong Kong Market (HKSE: 0636). It is another litmus paper proof of shipping industry's switch from winter to new spring. This causes the logistics sector to pick up and get busy as well. As per what I had taught previously, when the commodities and shipping/shipbuilding sector transits into newfound spring, we are at the mid-point of a bull market. 2008-2018 had been the first leg of a bull market. 2018-2028 is to be the 2nd leg of an expansionary bull market. 2nd leg is where majority of gains will be made for 80% of all stocks. 

The technicals show how the large accumulation had been made -- firstly decreasing volume flow going into the base of the rounding bottom, accumulative volumes at the base (green rectangular zones for instance), volume absorption of fools' monies who are calling for bear market as the markets go up, and low selling volumes as we approach towards the completion of the rounding bottom. See how smart monies in Hong Kong are making such a finest quality volume flow when it comes to trading and investing? If not, re-read and re-digest until you get the flow image in your mind -- this is where one gains enlightenment and insights on volume flow.

Contrary to 90% herd who represent fools' monies calling for bear market or bear market crash due to current trade war, markets will continue to make new historical all time highs every year, dumping most people behind. More new highs can be expected in 2019. 

The Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating: 

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