Saturday 21 July 2018

Development Bank of Singapore (DBS): 21 July 2018, Saturday, 2.53pm Singapore Time

Development Bank of Singapore (DBS): 
21 July 2018, Saturday, 2.53pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the updated Technicals for Development Bank of Singapore -- The Donovan Norfolk Rated Top Stock of Entire Singapore SGX. The 3 dark green circled regions are my live calls in January 2016 to buy bank stocks all over the world, especially DBS Bank stocks. Singapore was to have technical recession back in 2016, 90% herd were selling cheaply at $12, calling me ridiculous to buy on bear market and forgotten my track records back then; only my fans and followers were buying. 

The double light green classical supports are the points of +100% profits for my early fans and followers who bought at $12.00-$13.00. They are sitting on +100% profits with 8%-10% dividend yields per annum. The smart monies are protecting these profits with the so many layers of supports as illustrated on chart, because DBS has fundamentals and is the top stock of entire Singapore SGX in my financial modelling.

The first green trajectory measures $10.50 on linear scale and +53% on logarithmic scale. This means the next wave of banks' super rally worldwide will bring DBS to $35.50 conservative target on the linear scale, and $38.00 logarithmic target on the logarithmic scale. DBS Bank may then rest slightly and proceed for $53.42 target using fundamentals-logic derived earlier. 

DBS Bank is Ranked the Number 1 Top Stock of Donovan Norfolk for Entire Singapore SGX.

Side Note:
At target of $53.42, many of these early fans of Donovan Norfolk will have returns of +334% to +445% on DBS equities, with dividend yields of +8%-+10% per annum. Late fans of 2018 will still enjoy returns of +200% (+100% profits), with dividend yields of +4% per annum.

Additional Note:
Worldwide bank stocks are expected to shoot through the roof in 2H-2018 and 2019. More waves of super rally in equity markets can be expected in 2H-2018, 1H-2019 and 2H-2019 -- amidst the backdrop of 80% market majority having the conviction of a bear market coming.

Important Cross-Reference:

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