Wednesday 20 June 2018

Results of US-China Trade War Round 1: 20 June 2018, Wednesday, 10.43pm Singapore Time

Results of US-China Trade War Round 1:
20 June 2018, Wednesday, 10.43pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

As Mr Market is always right and prices in at least 6-9 months ahead of time, the above chart comparison shows the Results of US-China Trade War Round 1: US won in Round 1. If financial markets are an indicator (which always had been), the result shows that the fist of fury drawn out by US' Trump administration bruised China more badly than the fist dealt by China on US. By induction, it can also be concluded that the trade tariffs were delicately planned with deliberate efforts such that the boxer would lose a tooth while the opponent's jaws was dislocated.

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