Friday 15 June 2018

Funds Flow of Malaysia Steel Works (Masteel) (KLSE: 5098): 15 June 2018, Friday, 2.15pm Singapore Time

Funds Flow of Malaysia Steel Works (Masteel) (KLSE: 5098): 
15 June 2018, Friday, 2.15pm Singapore Time
(Click on FFA Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the Very Long Term Funds Flow of Malaysia Steel Works (Masteel) that is listed in the KLSE (KLSE: 5098).  The first black circle illustrates where the first historic high in net funds inflow occured. Once this super influx in funds flow inflow milestone hit in 2H-2016 (in tune with my forewarned resumption in Commodity SuperCycle Bull Market back in 2016 live analyses), Malaysia Steel Works rallied from $0.625 to $1.375 easily (+200%). Subsequently, Masteel hit continually new funds inflow records, true to my fore-warnings of commodity supercycle to come.

We are still at very early phase of Worldwide Commodity Supercycle Bull Market. Despite net funds outflow YTD for 2018, Masteel remains at 2nd highest ever funds inflow state in the very long term cycle. Based on this kind of funds flow posture in flow, Malaysia Steel Works will rally beyond at least 2xPivot = 2x$1.375 = $2.75 in target. It remains my top 8 buys for KLSE. 

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