Wednesday 9 May 2018

DBS Bank Technical Update: 9 May 2018, Wednesday, 2.48pm Singapore Time

DBS Bank Technical Update: 
9 May 2018, Wednesday, 2.48pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Markets have induced a lot of retailer sells and retailer shorts. 
Markets are now flooded with rampant DBS shorts/sells.
A whip on them with a violent soar up will be the whipped cream to be served, deliciously creamy. 

The technicals for DBS remains of strong bullish bias.
Uptrend strength is strong and remains strongly intact.

Additional Intraday Charts as below:
DBS Bank Technical Update: 
9 May 2018, Wednesday, 2.48pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

【I'm Rubbing Palms to Kill Short-Sellers: Deliciously Creamy】

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