Tuesday 15 May 2018

DBS Bank Technical Update: 15 May 2018, Tuesday, 2.45pm Singapore Time

DBS Bank Technical Update: 
15 May 2018, Tuesday, 2.45pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached above is the Technicals for DBS Bank. DBS Bank is still doing a final back-test of support before we will never the equity price below $30.00 again. The next short term target is $33.26 based on the impulsive thrust of April 2018. This short term target move towards $33.26 is part of a long term move towards $54.32 -- the first real shot at the long term target price. The second long term target price is $100.00.

Past Analyses of DBS Bank
(the most insightful and the most in-depth you can ever get):

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