Tuesday 30 August 2016

Geo Energy Resources Technical Analysis: 30 August 2016, Tuesday, 9.03am Singapore Time

Geo Energy Resources Technical Analysis: 
30 August 2016, Tuesday, 9.03am Singapore Time

Attached is the technicals for Geo Energy Resources that is listed in the SGX Singapore Stock Market.
The strong buy-up interest in the volumes and the disinterest in selling from the volumes in this stock means that this stock has a lot more legs to go up and is warming up and re-starting an entirely new wave of up-move. This is even especially true because 2H-2016 and 2017 will see stock markets having super rally worldwide. Smart Monies' Re-accumulation Zone of crude oil related and energy related stocks is as highlighted in YELLOW ZONE in technical chart attached. Bullish. Rally is coming.

Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, US oil related stocks are all having smart money buy intentions. 

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