Friday 15 July 2016

SGX Venture, KLSE Technology Index and NASDAQ Composite Index (Inter-market Cross-Analysis): 15 July 2016, Friday

<< SGX Venture, KLSE Technology Index and NASDAQ Composite Index >>
(Inter-market Cross-Analysis)
 15 July 2016, Friday

KLSE Technology Index for Technology Sector: 
15 July 2016, Friday

Technology stocks worldwide are in very strong uptrend, they remain the strongest sector of all sectors:
Big Hands and Smart Monies worldwide are maximum strength longs in this green boxed region. A powerful rally is coming in 2H02016 and 2017, on a backdrop of foolish monies all being bearish of the financial markets. Besides commodity stocks, technology stocks worldwide will be hot. 

SGX Venture as leading indicator of Technology Sector:
15 July 2016, Friday

Technology sector stocks in Singapore will be preparing for an accelerated, exponential and impulsive rally. The volume analyses and the pivot with respect to the bullish volumes are as illustrated above. The pivot is supporting an exponential bump-up phase.

NASDAQ Composite as Cross Reference for Technology Sector Stocks:
15 July 2016, Friday

NASDAQ, the father of all Technology Sectors in the world. is pitching numerous tents and pivots just below the resistance of the 2000-2001 dot com bust at 5200 points. More and more bullish armies are being sent to the tentage area, a sign of bullishness instead of the widespread belief spread among the 90% herd on a bearish rounding top that will cause a crash. There will be no crash in 2H-2016 and 2017; instead more rallies will come and most people will be caught by surprise.

DNA Technical Rating:
Technology Sector worldwide: BULLISH (CREATE ALL TIME HIGHS)
Technology Stocks: BULLISH

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