Wednesday 27 July 2016

FTSE Straits Times All Shares Index: 27 July 2016, Wednesday, 3.25pm Singapore Time

FTSE Straits Times All Shares Index: 
27 July 2016, Wednesday, 3.25pm Singapore Time

Financial Markets worldwide have switched to buying gear while all experts worldwide are calling for and warning of stock market crash and a bear market. 

As most people are bearish now due to current gloom and doom, and charts look set to betray all the bears, markets will now go into a stealthy buy-on-dip state to prepare for a massive 2H-2016 and 2017 super rally. On a worldwide basis, the deep correction in many stocks across the board have ended.

DNA Technical Rating on All Stocks Worldwide:
Bullish Re-accumulation for 2H-2016 and 2017 Super Rally.
Don't be without any stocks on hand when super rally worldwide takes place in 2H-2016 and whole of 2017. Throw 10 stones, 8 will hit the bull. There will be a surprising wave of wealth boom and paper wealth spike up coming in 2017, in great contrary to the current gloom and doom. You now know this before it takes place. 


  1. The current QE program in Europe was only planned up to sep 2016, which didn't much helped the Europe so far.
    Negative sentiments surrounding Brexit referendum, coupled with gloomy views from experts, who knows, may force Draghi to take bold moves and announce massive QE soon, to prevent any financial crash (predicted) from happening.
