Tuesday 28 June 2016

Deutsche Bank Technical Analysis - RED FLAG HIGH ALERT: 28 June 2016, Tuesday, 7.20pm Singapore Time

Deutsche Bank Technical Analysis - RED FLAG HIGH ALERT
28 June 2016, Tuesday, 7.20pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals of Deutsche Bank.
Note the following points below with reference to the technical analysis above:
1. Deutsche Bank has broken down long term symmetrical triangle of consolidation.
2. Deutsche Bank has broken down secular cycle's double-lined (dark brown) classical support lines. 
3. Deutsche Bank has broken down all the supports of the past crises: Dot-com bust, 9/11 Terror Attack, U.S Subprime Crash and the Eurozone Crisis, meaning it is currently in a state that is worse than the worst of the past financial market crises.
4. Extremely high volume dumping detected during U.S subprime crash, Eurozone Crisis and Brexit Fear. 
5. The critical breakdowns with extremely high volume occurred before recent major news such as BREXIT from EU (i.e. breakdown occurred without news), and this makes the breakdown reliable and real.

Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating:
Highly Bearish
(Potential trigger of MAX Fear and domino effect leading to a systemic market crash)
The fear may come only next year onwards after back-testing the secular support-turned-resistance as resistance successfully. That is when confirmation is achieved successfully that the shit has hit the fan.

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