Tuesday 10 May 2016

Germany DAX Market Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 10 May 2016, Tuesday, 4.43pm Singapore Time

Germany DAX Market Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 
10 May 2016, Tuesday, 4.43pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the German DAX Market Technical Analysis.
Refer to the recent past live analyses when I said I was longing the markets on fear in January and February and that Germany is a good investment:

I am taking profits of all the longs today and take money off this ATM Machine. I am taking some initial shorts too, flipping from longs into shorts. The main reason is that this market, similar to many other worldwide markets, has shown some weakness. Full technicals as illustrated on chart.

Above are the profits in (E) Euro (EUR).
Below are the profits converted into (SD) Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Profits in this trade:
+ S$ 111,347 SGD

S$ 1,101,154 + S$ 111,347
= + S$ 1,212,501 SGD

Trading Journal:

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