Monday 21 October 2019

Keppel Corporation (SGX: BN4): 21 October 2019, Monday

Keppel Corporation (SGX: BN4):
21 October 2019, Monday
(Click on the Technical Chart Above to Expand)

Attached is the updated Technicals on Keppel Corporation (SGX: BN4), the largest oil rig builder in the world and now a multi-industry conglomerate. The blue channel is the Secular Trend Major Uptrend Channel. The series of red and green circled regions made up the blue channel. The mid channel is demarcated by the orange circled zones of price action. The blue channel is a highly reliable one due to the price actions. The pink illustrated price actions show where the inverse-bump-run occurred. Inverse bump-run in technical price structure is a strongly accumulative price action, i.e. accumulation/buy on the stocks by the smarter monies when herd are out. The expected trajectory in black will likely send Keppel Corp to all time highs never seen before in the current secular cycle.

The Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating:
Bullish Biased

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