Monday 22 July 2019

China A50 Index reflecting the Chinese Stock Markets: 22 July 2019, Monday

China A50 Index reflecting the Chinese Stock Markets:
22 July 2019, Monday
(Click on the Technical Chart Above to Expand)

Attached is the updated Daily Technicals of China A50 Index. China markets are one of the weakest in the world, and even it is showing strength when most analysts and majority of the markets are bearish in outlook. The yellow lines depict region of bull flag which had achieved short term breakout. The mid term is a consolidation, while the long term remains uptrend. Although many people are talking about technical recession for most markets worldwide, we are not in any bear market nor true recession. Markets will even super rally and dump market majority behind. The trailing line in ichimoku is even persistently above clouds and currently we are seeing green clouds for the lookahead. The green circled region is where clouds deliberately support even weakest markets.

Outlook for worldwide markets: Bullish 
(When even weakest is supported with buying pressure, everyone is on rising tide that lifts all boats high).

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