Monday 15 April 2019

WCT Holdings (KLSE: 9679): 15 April 2019, Monday

WCT Holdings (KLSE: 9679):
15 April 2019, Monday
(Click on the Technical Chart Above to Expand)

Attached above is the Technicals for WCT Holdings that is listed in the KLSE. This stock raised the interest of many Malaysian stock investors and traders once again, as the ECRL Rail Development that was being re-negotiated with China was looking good. This explained for the minor rebound. However, the rebound is along the brown resistance trend line which is merely for confirming the resistance of continued and sustainable downtrend for this company. WCT Holdings is now at near the high selling pressure zone in red. The black circled regions are just to confirm BIG downtrends for this company. Expect more grand slam down to come after many people are sucked in to this stock. While many good stocks are bullish, this stock is bearish.

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