Friday 25 January 2019

Zynga Inc (NASDAQ: ZNGA): 25 January 2019, Friday, 10.50pm Singapore Time

Zynga Inc (NASDAQ: ZNGA): 
25 January 2019, Friday, 10.50pm Singapore Time

Attached is the technicals of Zynga Inc that is listed in US Market of NASDAQ (NASD: ZNGA). It was previously shared with my closest cliques. I have decided to be unselfish and share on the opportunity. Most of them are currently sitting on around +8% profits. However, for the many who bought during the December-2018 fear per my fore-warned analyses that we are in bull market based on Super Root of All Funds Flow -- they are sitting on +22% profits right now. They have every decent chance to achieve +100% profits before I do. Zynga has solid fundamentals, good balance sheet figures, and not affected by any trade war dispute. Its technicals, as shown, is solid. On the macros that is backed by the Super Root of All Funds Flow, it is aligned with the macros' funds flow of the current cycle (Super Root). Bullish. 

【One should not follow the 95% herd shouting for bear market or drawing bearish charts: the bull market still has another at least 3-5 years (and up to 10 years) of multi-bagger upmoves to come. We are at just mid-cycle of Secular Bull (refer to the model of Super Root of All Funds Flow), and 2nd half is where accelerated majority gains are to be made. 】

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