Thursday 12 October 2017

Rowsley: 12 October 2017, Thursday, 6.20am Singapore Time

12 October 2017, Thursday, 6.20am Singapore Time
(Click on Chart Above to Expand)

Attached is the updated technicals for Rowsley. The high volume super gap-up in July 2017 reflects a change in fundamentals positively. This then followed with series of low volume shake-outs coupled with sudden high volume engulfing of all sell queues in the market. There is also a high volume absorption in the market (yellow region). In the final purple boxed region, the entire volume flow exuded is a strong show of intention to rally strongly again. This is in line with a high volume gap-up for the 2nd time. With such extreme strong shows of intentions built in, Rowsley is ready for further multi-fold super rally, with at least +100% to +300% gain in price from here. When the bull market ends, a profit level in the range of +500% can also be expected with decent probability. Rowsley will lead in the penny stock rallies.

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