Monday 11 September 2017

Thai Beverage: 11 September 2017, Monday, 11.40pm Singapore Time

Thai Beverage: 
11 September 2017, Monday, 11.40pm Singapore Time

Attached is the technicals for Thai Beverage, a consumption stock that is listed in Singapore. The consumption sector stock is in line with my high bullishness on consumption sectors in Asia. Thai Beverage is currently supported by high volume gap-up support in light green. This backtest of support has been successful. There is also another layer of high volume support as highlighted in light blue. In addition, there is also a high volume break-up of large symmetrical triangle for Thai Beverage. In view of all the above, with backtests all getting confirmed as successful now, Thai Beverage is getting ready to execute the next significantly big wave up. Short term target: $1.20. Mid-long term target: as high as until bull market ends in Asia.

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