Monday 18 September 2017

Singapore Straits Times Index: 18 September 2017, Monday, 7.09am Singapore Time

Singapore Straits Times Index: 
18 September 2017, Monday, 7.09am Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached above is the technicals for the Singapore Straits Times Index (STI). The red circled regions are my live fore-warnings in 2015 to get out of the market, warning of a severe sell-off before it came.

The 1st green circled region is my live fore-warning in 1Q-2016 pinpointing that low to be the rock bottom of the sell off in 2016 when market sentiments were bearish. The 2nd green circled region was my reiteration to add buys back then. The 3rd green circle was where Singapore plunged into technical recession and I forewarned to buy the market amidst the technical recession, a time when 90% market majority were calling for bear market and filled with fear.

The rally into purple region came per my fore-warnings. The purple regions have successfully made 3104-3196 band as the new support band for launching super rallies. As the entire operation of price action coupled with volume flow as pointed by the yellow summary-arrow took too much efforts, with this effortful volumes chalked up by smart monies, Straits Times Index (STI) will proceed to rally to all time historic new high at 4200-4500 points. 80% of all stocks across the board to super rally. All bank stocks to super rally.

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