Wednesday 6 September 2017

Olam International: 6 September 2017, Wednesday, 7.49am Singapore Time

Olam International: 
6 September 2017, Wednesday, 7.49am Singapore Time
(Click on Chart Above to Expand)

Attached is the technicals for Olam International, a strong and powerful commodity company that is listed in the Singapore SGX. Olam has a very large inverse Shoulder-Head-Shoulder accumulation and this large re-accumulation using inverse Shoulder-Head-Shoulder price structure is near completion at the final buy zone as illustrated on chart technicals. Neckline to break-up is $2.10 to $2.16, the yellow band zone. Yellow band zone will break up in my judgement. A super rally that breaks up for historic all time new highs is in the brewing for Olam. Expect large volumes to come in for Olam soon.

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