Sunday 10 September 2017

Keppel Corp: 10 September 2017, Sunday, 11.25pm Singapore Time

Keppel Corp: 
10 September 2017, Sunday, 11.25pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the technical for Keppel Corp, the largest oil rig builder in the world. The red circled region is my forewarnings in 2014 severely warning that crude oil will crash. The green circled region is my forewarnings in 1H-2016 warning that 1H-2016 will see the true rock bottom of crude oil. The black rectangular regions illustrate where the high volume impulsive real buys are. The yellow channel is guiding the low volume retracement right now which is healthy in nature. The entire series of volume flow means there are more upsides in crude oil and crude oil related stocks and commodities. Bullish.

A rising tide in worldwide stock and equity markets will continue in 2017 and 2018. 

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