Wednesday 13 September 2017

Hu An Cable: 13 September 2017, Wednesday, 11.56pm Singapore Time

Hu An Cable: 
13 September 2017, Wednesday, 11.56pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached above is the technicals for Hu An Cable, a Chinese stock listed in the Singapore SGX.
The range of the volumes in purple are series of healthy buy-ins, composed of the individual flow of high intensity buys in green coupled with low intensity sells in red. The red volume bar highlighted by the yellow rectangle region is region of market absorption. Hu An Cable has gone through the economic winter in China. Spring is coming. Multifold rally is still expected. Expect 0.02 to break up violently for +100% profits. There is a chance it may go for +300% to +500% profit upside.

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