Wednesday 20 September 2017

Dragon Group International: 20 September 2017, Wednesday, 2.17pm Singapore Time

Dragon Group International: 
20 September 2017, Wednesday, 2.17pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached above is the technicals for Dragon Group International, a semi-conductor and electronics company that is a subsidiary of ASTI and is listed in the Singapore SGX. The triple Purple Zones illustrate the trinity of smart money volumes flowing into Dragon Group while the large symmetrical triangle for huge bullish reversal took shape. In end-2016 and early 2017, together with ASTI, these were the kinds of semi-conductor and tech companies that I had forewarned would rally together with the pick-up in exports. The semiconductor and electronic export sectors have since picked up per my precision forewarnings of 2H-2016. Dragon Group would continue its newfound uptrend and is expected to rally with more than +100% profit upside.

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