Tuesday 12 September 2017

Aemulus Holdings (KLSE: 0181): 12 September 2017, Tuesday, 11.35pm Singapore Time

Aemulus Holdings (KLSE: 0181): 
12 September 2017, Tuesday, 11.35pm Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Chart above to Expand)

Attached is the technicals for Aemulus Holdings that is listed in the KLSE (KLSE: 0181). The series of buying up has been with volume and the series of selling or profit-taking has been with decreased volume with each series of volume flow bringing prices up with just shallow retracement. This is bullish in nature. Based on volume analysis, big hands have a huge volume of holdings at 0.56 to 0.76 in addition to the lower prices. This means Aemulus breaking up 0.75 is a very high probability and big hands' target would be above 1.00-1.40. The blue band of classical support is charged up with powerful volumes. It is considered as powerful support. Bullish.

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