Monday 17 July 2017

SuperCycle of Olam: Historic All Time New Highs is Coming (Multifold up-drive)

Olam International: 
17 July 2017, Monday, 12.00pm Singapore Time
(Click on Chart above to Enlarge)

Attached above is the technicals for Olam International, a blue chip listed in the Singapore SGX. The red regions are my live warnings to get out of the commodity markets in 2012-2015 (refer to past Olam analyses and past commodity analyses). The green region is my live warning in 1H-2016 that commodities and commodity stocks had generally bottomed and are reversing big trend into an entirely all new uptrend. The doldrums of commodities-cycle was forewarned by me in 2012-2015 amidst market bullishness. DNA was against the herd. Commodities went into bear market right after my warnings with precision. In 1H-2016, DNA suddenly reversed and called for commodities' bear to end. This was again against the herd. After surviving the commodities' cyclic doldrums because Olam had deep pocket investors, Olam will now proceed to break out of supercycle consolidation as commodities' cyclic doldrums are finally over. Olam will break up of $3.95 and go multifold. Investors of this blue chip can be expected to get good dividends and significant price appreciation, a dual-gain. If Muddy Waters still hold shorts in this stock, Muddy Waters may likely scramble to find find cover for its Olam shorts and further add a huge wave of demand buy-ups for this stock. This will further facilitate for the break up of the supercycle resistance for a powerful rally up.

Many Singapore blue chips are displaying supercycle high bullishness.
Singapore Straits Times Index breaking up 4000 points is beyond conclusion. The only question is whether Straits Times Index should hit 4500 points or 5000 points next. Since Singapore is highly bullish in supercycle, it reflects the world doing extremely well in wealth creation hence by induction, US, Europe and Asia/Asia-Pacific markets will all continue to super rally with very huge upside. 

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