Tuesday 11 July 2017

Sincap: 11 July 2017, Tuesday, 10.00am Singapore Time

11 July 2017, Tuesday, 10.00am Singapore Time
(Click on Chart above to Enlarge)

Attached above is the technicals for Sincap, a stock listed in the Singapore SGX. The dark brown regions are my live warnings to get out of the markets in 2013-2014. The orange region is my live warnings that worldwide smart monies will start their flood of hot monies into smaller mid-caps, small caps and penny stocks. Sincap is reversing big trend and switching to an entirely all new uptrend. Its move is in sync with my forewarned bullish cycle of smaller cap markets which confirm all round equities' bull cycle. It has also completed the triple backtest of RED Resistance-Turned-Support (Green Triangle) after the large breakup. The run-up is far from over and it will continue to surge. Bullish.

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