Wednesday 3 May 2017

Straits Times Index, The Truest Indicator for Worldwide Stock Markets: 3 May 2017

Straits Times Index, The Truest Indicator for Worldwide Stock Markets: 
3 May 2017
(Click on Chart above to Enlarge)

Attached above is the Singapore Straits Times Index. For those who have been following me over the many years, as proven and reiterated over the past many years, Singapore Straits Times Index is the truest indicator for worldwide stock markets. It has finished building up the short term base as illustrated on chart and is preparing to attack upwards. STI will break up 4000 points and create historic all time new highs. Out of every 10 stocks, 8 stocks will continue to super rally from here. Almost all stocks will rally. All markets worldwide will do so and super rally as well. Many Asian markets will create historic all time new highs in 2017-2018 as forewarned in early 2016.

DNA Technical Rating:
Remain Bullish-Biased in all Stock Technicals, and you will not go wrong.

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