Tuesday 16 May 2017

Oceanus: 16 May 2016, Tuesday, 9.07am Singapore Time

16 May 2016, Tuesday, 9.07am Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals for Oceanus, an abalone company that is listed in Singapore with operations mostly in China (S-Chip). The green circled regions are my live warnings in 1H-2016 and 2H-2016 warning that penny stocks will bottom in 2016 and start to rally from 2H-2016 onwards. Oceanus has upped +100% since the warnings. It has also executed a high massive volume up-surge in early 2017, a massive scoop-up from the bottom. The red regions highlight areas of volume flow of buy and hold by smart monies in the market. 0.008 is the new higher support. The market dynamics in the stock and equity markets all over the world is such that almost every stock will be a bullish stock in 2017 and 2018. Out of every 10 stocks, 8 will go bullish in the rest of 2017 and 2018, something forewarned in 2016. More multi-fold multi-bagger upsides expected.

Note that as this is a S-chip China stock, there is always inherent risk when investing in such stocks, hence it is worthwhile to do one's own due diligence.

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