Thursday 25 May 2017

BlackGoldNatural: 25 May 2017, Thursday, 8.23am Singapore Time

25 May 2017, Thursday, 8.23am Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals for BlackGoldNatural, a stock listed in Singapore SGX. The dark brown region is my live warnings in 2H-2016 that international smart monies will suddenly enter penny stocks all over the world with large surge in volumes, and to watch out for such stock with volumes. I had also forewarned that penny stocks will have super rally in 2017 and 2018. The yellow circled regions are the high volumes that came after my warnings, automatically making it a buy per my warnings. This stock has surged +100% since my volume SOP. However, the run is far from over and it will make yet another +100% surge from here. It is making a bullish purple flag pole and a large bullish blue pennant which will enable the price action to shoot through the roof. The volume flows are very healthy as illustrated on chart. Bullish. More up-moves expected.

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