Tuesday 11 April 2017

VIX Fear Index: 11 April 2017, Thursday, 4.33pm Singapore Time

VIX Fear Index: 
11 April 2017, Thursday, 4.33pm Singapore Time
(Click on Chart above to Enlarge)

International smart monies worldwide have recently accumulated quite some amount of short term bearish protective puts to protect their long term bullish longs holdings. This means while markets are still long-term bullish and mid-term bullish, the short term remains a corrective consolidation. It is also a chance for gold to make further gains to catch up with the stocks and equities asset class. In summary, this means the VIX Fear Index may climb up in April and equity markets likely still in corrective-consolidation mode for April 2017. North Korea and Syria risks may be temporary based on international funds flow. Use the fear as a comeback boat and not to view it as bear market.

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