Thursday 6 April 2017

Vivocom International Holdings: 6 April 2017, Thursday, 1.57pm Singapore Time

Vivocom International Holdings: 
6 April 2017, Thursday, 1.57pm Singapore Time
(Click on the Technical Chart above to enlarge)

Attached above is the technical price actions for Vivocom International Holdings, a stock that is listed in the Emerging Market of Malaysia KLSE.

Vivocom has executed a very large bullish diamond as illustrated above. It has managed to shake out weak-minded investors succcessfully with the recent volume flow confirming that. Healthy correction is ending. Once this diamond breaks up, Vivocom will proceed to go for historic new highs never seen before.

Vivocom International Holdings: 
6 April 2017, Thursday, 1.57pm Singapore Time
(Click on the Technical Chart above to enlarge)

The chart above further illustrates the price action flow of Vivocom. In the large macro-flow, buying is impulsive (real direction) and selling is corrective (fake direction of noises). Orange zone is the re-accumulation zone. It is also the zone of under-value. In the recent February 2017 and March 2017 price-volume actions, there is a sharp and sudden impulsive swallow-up of all the sell queues in the market. This is very bullish in nature.

As forewarned in 1H-2016 and 2H-2016 that there will be a rising tide that lifts all boats in the stocks and equities markets, at least 80% of all stocks and equities in the Emerging Market of Malaysia will jump start again and super rally from 2H-2016 on.

Historic All Time New Highs




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