Friday 3 March 2017

Market Consolidation: 3 March 2017

Market Consolidation before Resumption of Further Rally

3 March 2017:
Generally, March of 2017 may be a month of healthy correction and consolidation after the bulls had run up in January and February. If you are looking to buy stocks, use 4-hourly RSI(14) oversold to time the comeback boat for your investment re-accumulation strategy or trading re-accumulation strategy for buying of dips. If you are over-leveraged, you may like to lighten slightly. During correction, markets like to hide into safe stocks, defensive stocks and dividend stocks including Reits for 3 weeks to a month. Hot monies will be using this month to do fearful shake-out so as to rotate into Asia.

Markets all over the world are currently of the following structure:

Immediate term:

Short term:

Mid term:

Long term:

You have what it takes to outperform me, believe in yourself.

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