Tuesday 21 March 2017

Jumbo: 21 March 2017, Tuesday, 8.40am Singapore Time

21 March 2017, Tuesday, 8.40am Singapore Time
(Click on technical chart above to expand to full size)

Attached above is the technicals of Jumbo, a stock that is listed in the SGX Singapore Market. Jumbo is a stock that has moved up strongly per my 2016 bullish warnings. On 5th September 2016, based on technicals, DNA had forewarned as below:
"Jumbo is exhibiting a healthy volume flow as illustrated on chart. It is a strong uptrend stock. This means this would belong to the front liners to rally together with global stock market rally for the rest of 2016 and whole of 2017. This kind of stock is pretty ideal for both traders and investors."
http://donovan-ang.blogspot.sg/2016/09/jumbo-technical-analysis-5-september.html )

On 7th January 2017, right at the very important support as illustrated by the 2nd GREEN CIRCLE above on chart, DNA reiterated that based on technicals and fundamentals, Jumbo is the kind of stock or company that Smart Monies will make as first choice of pouring their monies into. DNA also said the below on 7th January 2017:
"based on price actions and volume flow as illustrated on chart, smart monies continue to be strongly invested in the stock with huge amount of smart monies' selling absorption based on volume flow."
( http://donovan-ang.blogspot.sg/2017/01/jumbo-7-january-2017-saturday-1215pm.html )

The price actions are now all being executed right in front of your eyes.
Jumbo is expanding into China, a market of explosive opportunities and high upside when it comes to food.
Jumbo continues to be a healthy and quality stock with plenty of upside. Very bullish for 2017.




Strong Stock, Strong Company.

DNA Technical Rating:
Very Bullish with more upsides to come in 2017

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