Wednesday 4 January 2017

Ezra Technical Analysis: 4 January 2017, Wednesday, 10.53pm Singapore Time

Ezra Technical Analysis: 
4 January 2017, Wednesday, 10.53pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals of Ezra, a stock that is listed in the SGX Singapore Market.
Amidst rosy outlook in 2013 and 2014, the red rectangle region is my live warnings in 2014 and 2015 that Ezra will suffer a massive plunge (at least -80% loss in price) from the peak. It was also highlighted on how an energy bear market will cause such stocks to do triple halving, a standard stock market SOP, to become penny stock. I also warned in 2012-2014 that I will scoop cheap stocks only when my forewarnings of infliction of 80%-90% loss has been executed on the majority of the investors. So here I am, bullish finally and scooping cheap stocks.
Refer to track records at:
(13th April 2014)
(One year later at 15th March 2015)

Per my warnings in 2016, crude oil, offshore oil and gas industry, crude oil stocks, offshore oil-gas stocks, crude oil reliant economies and crude oil currencies have all generally bottomed worldwide in 2016.

【Worldwide stock markets to have super rally in 2017.】

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