Tuesday 4 October 2016

Rowsley: 4 October 2016, Tuesday, 12.07pm Singapore Time

4 October 2016, Tuesday, 12.07pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals of Rowsley, a penny stock that is listed in the SGX Singapore Market. The Red Boxed and Red Circled regions are my warnings in 2013 and 2014 to get out of the stocks and equities markets, especially mid-caps and small-caps, warning live back then that stock investors will mostly bleed badly despite indices looking strong to inflict bad losses for the herd. 

Majority of the herd have lost a lot of money by now as per forewarned in 2013-2014 before it happens. After bleeding badly, most of the herd are expecting gloom and doom now in 2016. They are finally bearish. They see no reason for markets to rally. It is time to be bullish. It is time to be against the foolish herd again. A lot of people will miss the super rally of 2017 as they see no reason for markets to rally. We will not only have a rally in 2017, but a SUPER RALLY. This will make a lot of the herd's hearts crumble, causing them to pull their hair, or their fur, because financial markets will make them look like utter fools once again.

DNA Technical Rating:
【Worldwide stock markets to have super rally in 2H-2016 and 2017.】

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