Wednesday 12 October 2016

Interra Resource: 12 October 2016, Wednesday, 8.30am Singapore Time

Interra Resource: 
12 October 2016, Wednesday, 8.30am Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals of Interra Resources, a commodity penny stock that is listed in the SGX Singapore Market. The Red Boxed regions are my warnings in 2013 and 2014 to get out of the stocks and equities markets, especially mid-caps and small-caps, warning live back then that stock investors will mostly bleed badly despite indices looking strong to inflict bad losses for the herd. The high volume green bar regions in 2H-2016 as illustrated on chart are high volume re-accumulations. Interra has achieved breakup with high volume now, a show of intentions to super rally. This stock has bottomed as per my 1H-2016 forewarning that stock markets worldwide are preparing for a propulsion to the upside in 2017.

Additional Note:
Majority of the herd have lost a lot of money by now as per forewarned in 2013-2015. Majority of the herd are anticipating a bear market now and see no reason for markets to go up. Hence, we will not only have a rally in 2017 amidst all the gloom and doom, we will have a SUPER RALLY. This will make a lot of hearts crumble because financial markets will cause the herd to be wrong again and leave them out of the sumptuous meals, having successfully made the herd believe with conviction that there is no reason to rally but plenty of reason for recession.

DNA Technical Rating:
【Worldwide stock markets to have synchronized super rally in 2H-2016 and 2017.】

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