Thursday 8 September 2016

Yuuzoo Technical Analysis: 8 September 2016, Thursday, 10.52pm Singapore Time

Yuuzoo Technical Analysis: 
8 September 2016, Thursday, 10.52pm Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals of Yuuzoo, a stock that is listed in the SGX Singapore Market. In 2013 and 2014, Public sentiment was bullish on rosy outlook, but I warned live that many stocks especially the mid caps and small caps will cause all to bleed very badly to the point of despair. Warned in RED BOX Region (2013-2014) to get out of stocks (refer to all past track records in analysis site).

<< Yuuzoo >>
Market is in highly accumulative (buying) mode, especially in 2016, amidst public bearishness. Retailers sell, Smart Monies buy. Too many people are too stupidly brainwashed by worldwide media and are bearish right now in 2016. Market will rally.

DNA Technical Rating:
【Worldwide stock markets to have super rally in 2H-2016 and 2017.】

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