Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Poker's Liar: A Tail of 2 Stories

The Poker's Liar: A Tail of 2 Stories

Attached above is the full illustration of The Poker's Liar: A "Tail" of 2 Stories.
It happened today in the financial markets in one of the asset classes. The illustration is meant to teach how financial markets are able to force you to be emotional and make double mistakes, and be able to force you to throw away correct positions and force you to eat up terrible losses even when you are correct, simply by making you emotional. It can even achieve all the incredible aims above on all sets of players, both bulls and bears, all at the same time, like the "0" and "00" in a Roulette. Read the full illustration as taught in the technical chart. It can happen in stocks, equities, forex, commodities, bonds and stock market indices. The moral of the story: do not get emotional when trading and investing.

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