Tuesday 27 September 2016

Silver Technical Analysis: 27 September 2016, Tuesday, 7.15pm Singapore Time

Silver Technical Analysis (Daily Chart): 
27 September 2016, Tuesday, 7.15pm Singapore Time

Silver Technical Analysis (Weekly Chart): 
27 September 2016, Tuesday, 7.15pm Singapore Time

Attached above are two Technical Analysis Charts on Silver. The first chart illustrates the Silver Daily chart with the big main moves and the big Bull Flags. The second chart illustrates the saucer bottom as highlighted previously.

Added some Silver Buys as Investment.

Silver will be continuing its up-move propulsive trajectory soon, together with Gold.
As reiterated, this re-ignited rally in worldwide financial markets all over the world and in almost everything involving all asset classes (except the USD) has plenty of legs for the remaining of 2016 and the whole of 2017.


  1. don, pls explain in layman terms. i read and re-read your several posting and lack the wisdom to understand. u said 2H 2016 to 1H 2017 equities and gold and silver will shoot up. but historically, it has always been equities up, gold/silver down. even though many bears guru like Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, etc are saying the upcoming market collapse, you predict otherwise. since logical train of thoughts would not arrive at the answer, could you direct me to somewhere where i can rest in peace? Haha.....i believe even your predictions come true, majority would rather sit on the fence and watch it goes up than to seize the opportunity as there were no precedent cases. thank you again.

  2. In the 2002-2007 bull market, stocks-equities asset class rallied together with precious metals of Gold and Silver.
