Wednesday 7 September 2016

REX International: 7 September 2016, Wednesday, 6.05am Singapore Time

REX International Chart 1: 
7 September 2016, Wednesday, 6.05am Singapore Time

Attached above is the technicals of REX International, a stock that is listed in the SGX Singapore Market. The entire series of volume analysis, including the low volume selling and high volume buying, is as illustrated on chart. Huge bullish descending wedge of re-accumulation is being done on REX International, a sign of a bottom as well as a sign of big moves up to come in 2H-2016 and 2017.

REX International Chart 2: 
7 September 2016, Wednesday, 6.05am Singapore Time

Chart 2 above shows the major support in price actions in green.
REX International will participate in the worldwide stock market rally.

【Worldwide stock markets to have super rally in 2H-2016 and 2017.】

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