Thursday 10 March 2016

<< Trading Journal >>: ECB Boosts QE and Releases More Stimulus

<< Trading Journal >>: 
ECB Boosts QE and Releases More Stimulus

Remember my fore-warnings of last month that Worldwide Funds Flow is still a maximum longs by Smart Monies despite media spread of fear internationally and amidst the great fear of last month? 

There you have, a super rally sparked by Mario Draghi, the chief of European Central Bank, ECB. Now you know why I have been buying and in particular my analyses pointing for buys in US and Europe to ride the rebounds which I reiterated last month.

European markets are in turbo charge-up mode right now. A lot of my buys bought at the midst of the fear using Worldwide Funds Flow Analyses of Smart Monies have further spiked up in profits, and  profits, like the smart monies', are in an accelerating, turbo, up-gear mode right now. 

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