Tuesday 16 February 2016

Gold Technical Analysis: 16 February 2016, Tuesday, 2.37pm Singapore Time

Gold Technical Analysis: 
16 February 2016, Tuesday, 2.37pm Singapore Time

Smart Monies are loading up heavy amount of Gold as reiterated and have finished with their long term re-accumulation of Gold.

Gold is preparing for more rallies to $1550-$1600.
Commodities' dead cat bounce super rally is in the brewing.
Invest in Gold and Gold GLD ETFs; not stocks and equities.

Donovan Norfolk Technical Rating:
BULLISH on Gold and all Gold ETFs (SPDR Gold and Gold GLD ETFs)
Gold will continue to rally with power with a high upside to $1550-$1600.


  1. hi pal,
    How do you see Gold, in the last week, it rocketed up from 1190 to 1263.
    Then 1233 and last night going down touched 1190 , bounced up to 1215 , down to 1200 , now 1206.


    1. Make sure to protect ur worst downside, and ur ride with gold and anything you trade with will be a success.
