Friday 5 February 2016

EURUSD Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 5 February 2016, Friday, 12.55am Singapore Time

EURUSD Technical Analysis For Your Learning: 
5 February 2016, Friday, 12.55am Singapore Time

On 27th January 2016, I warned that EURUSD will flip from bearishness to high bullishness, with a Reverse Shoulder-Head-Shoulder in place as follows:

Attached above is the 4-Hourly Chart for EURUSD as well as my longs entry, stops placed and exit point after my analysis of bullishness on EURUSD on 27th Jan 2016:

EURUSD has rallied crazily in just a span of a few days following the analysis, which spiked my profits crazily. I am taking profits (1st batch) on major break-ups in EURUSD, making use of the good sentiments on EURUSD right now.

:: Related ::
Previous EURUSD Analysis:

Above are the profits in ($) US Dollar (USD).
Below are the profits converted into (SD) Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Profits in this trade:
+S$ 131,955 SGD

S$ 216,917 + S$ 131,955
= + S$ 348,872 SGD

Trading Journal:

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